What can a video be?

I always hate to be cliched – they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and the videos we shoot are shot at 25 frames a second, which is 25 still pictures every second to give the appearance of smooth motion.

In any case it is difficult to get anyone to read 1000 words about your business, let alone 24000 a second…..

Video Interview Tips – Posture & Tone of Voice

Here at Sky Jellyfish we have talked before that if your video marketing is perceived well, you’ll be received well, there’s more to that, read on.

And here is some of it: how you sit or stand in your video production, your posture, and your tone of voice also affects how people perceive you and your video…

Dress to impress

Video Interview Tips – Dress to impress. When you’re recording videos – whether it’s a corporate video, blog video, real estate video, training video or any sort of video production – what you wear when you’re on camera has a big effect on how people perceive you…..

Video is Changing Marketing

Here’s an interesting question for you. In two or three years’ time, would you be reading this article or would you be watching it? Videos are changing marketing and Video Marketing is growing