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1. Business Introduction Video
What Is It?
A Business Introduction Video introduces you to your potential clients, showing why they should care about you and what you can do for them.
What Are The Benefits?
This video will upgrade your conversion rate, enquiry rate and customer process through setting expectations and communicating your business clearly.
See a video example!
See a video example!
2. Testimonials
What Is It?
Testimonials are social proof of your business doing a great job - a story in your happy clients' own words. What did they need from you? Why did they choose you? What sets you apart? Would they recommend you?
What Are The Benefits?
Testimonials set expectations, generate trust and excitement - and position you as a winner in the mind of the viewer - ultimately leading to more trust, clearer expectations, and more customers.
3. Lead Generation Videos
What Is It?
Lead Generation Videos draw people to your website from social media and paid advertisements on the internet, such as Facebook ads.
What Are The Benefits?
These videos increase not only the quantity of traffic coming to your website but send a quality of traffic that are far more likely to convert. It's important that the people that click on your ads will be your clients - as each click costs.
See a video example!
See a video example!
4. Minor Website Video Upgrades
What Are They?
We have a whole host of minor website video upgrades. Mostly straight to-camera dialogue with your branding and logo, an example is our 'Contact Form Video' - we encourage the viewer to fill out the contact form, stepping them through and ensuring they know we will be in touch soon with a thoughtful response.
What Are The Benefits?
The Contact Form Video example increases the conversion rate of contact form pages by a STRANGE amount! And they are cheap to make! These videos come at a fantastic ROI and will work for years to come, increasing the actions and reactions of pages they're on.
5. Service + Product Overview Videos
What Are They?
Service Overview Videos set expectations and show the scope and outcomes for each service your business provides, in separate videos.
A Product Overview Video show key features and differences of a product or range, introducing to the viewer in a way that's relevant, and clearly understood.
What Are The Benefits?
Showing the scope of your business and products in a professional, engaging video only helps set you apart, and identifies to the consumer your capabilities, particularly aspects they might not have known about, or not known were relevant to them. This means more conversions, leads, and clients.
See a video example!
See a video example!
6. Case Studies
What Are They?
A Case Study is a longer testimonial where we examine outcomes and processes, set expectations, and hear from the people that matter in your client's organization.
What Are The Benefits?
Increased trust, and a higher conversion rate from those clients who would like to know more about the way you work - the sorts of clients who are likely to spend more than the usual amount of money with you.
7. Engagement Videos + More Lead Gen
What Is It?
Drawing a steady stream of visitors that will engage in a relationship with your business is essential - and making videos that will engage your target market is something that needs to be done.
What Are The Benefits?
These videos increase not only the quantity of traffic coming to your website but send a quality of traffic that are far more likely to convert.
See a video example!
See a video example!
8. Key Staff Profiles
What Are They?
Key Staff Profiles tell your clients what they want to know about the people in charge of the decisions that affect their business.
What Are The Benefits?
Increased trust and clearer expectations mean that your client process will be smoother, and your client number will be higher.
9. Sales Tool Videos
What Is It?
Sales Tool Videos are videos that assist in your sales process, like Proposal Videos, Video Business Cards, Lobby Videos, Retail Display Videos and Trade Show Videos (to show at Trade Show stalls).
What Are The Benefits?
Making your offering stand out vs the competition is worth its weight in gold - it will increase your sales conversion rate, ensuring that every dollar spent on drawing leads is worth even more.
See a video example!
See a video example!
10. Refresh Content, Split Test, More Lead Gen and Engagement!
What Do We Refresh?
We have to keep up to date! As time goes on, you'll hold sales, come out with new products and services, hire new staff and do more great work - and your public should know about all about it!
What Are The Benefits?
Refreshing content ensures you stay relevant and don't miss out on any potential attention you could be getting. Split testing lets us compare the results of differences in a video campaign to see what is more effective for YOUR target market - we refine and upgrade - and this gets you better results!